Mia Schaikewitz : S1E1

Five Questions - Mia Schaikewitz

Mia Shaikewitz is a TV personality; public speaker; a founding member of Infinite Flow, America's first wheelchair ballroom dance company; survivor of a ruptured arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in her spinal cord; fine artist; and a graphic design, branding, and production specialist.

Mia and I met up at a lovely little park in West Los Angeles and had one of those long, inspiring conversations that makes you feel like you've known each other forever. As if your lives mirrored each other's in this weird "we must've known each other in a former life" kinda way. Once we got chatting, it was near impossible to stop. We covered her AVM and her subsequent paralysis, journaling through depression, curiosity, letting yourself feel your emotions, the Five Love Languages, running away when things get tough, and resilience in the face of darkness, insecurity, and fear. Meet Mia.